Shiny and New


Something about September always puts me in a good mood.

The smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the feel of new school supplies, the taste of apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), the hint of autumn in the air with it's promise of sweaters and boots, the quality of light in the afternoons and the rich colors of the fall produce all conspire into one long run-on sense- memory that feels kind of like a little reboot. 

So, in the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, I created an offer called Kitchen Reboot! Get that Back-to-School Feeling in your Kitchen and Beyond

Not only will it get you motivated to get in your kitchen and make healthy meals, it will also get you on track to be ready for the holidays and all the cooking and baking that comes with them.

Here's what it looks like:

Kitchen clean out - Do you have herbs and spices in your cabinets from before the Facebook era? Are there things in your freezer that are no longer identifiable and yet you can't bear to "waste" them by tossing them in the trash? We will go through your fridge, freezer and pantry and look at everything you have in there. Some of the things you thought were healthy might have been fooling you! It's also a great time to look at all the bottles, jars, bags and other containers hanging around that are way past their prime or have confounded you about how to best use them.

Grocery Store guidance - Do you get in a rut every time you go to the store, always buying the same old things or getting stuff that you *think* is healthy but you're not absolutely certain? I will walk you through Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Safeway or wherever you shop. I will show you specific products that I like and use as well as teach you how to look (really look) at labels and ask questions so that you are buying the healthiest and tastiest products available. Each store has different pros and cons so you may want to consider doing more than one.

Farmer's Market tour - As Seattleites, we have all been to Pike Place Market, but have you ever been to one of Seattle's local farmer's markets? This is a way to literally put your money where your mouth is when it comes to supporting local business and being involved in the community. The farmer's markets in Seattle are among the best in the country and they happen every weekend throughout the year. We will go to the University Farmer's Market on a Saturday or the Ballard Farmer's Market on a Sunday where I will teach you how to look for the fruits and vegetables that are freshest and in season. We will talk about local vs. organic, CSA subscriptions and get familiar with some of the vendors.

Hands-on prep - Do you go to the store with the best of intentions and then end up with vegetables sitting in your fridge because you are unsure exactly how to deal with them when dinnertime rolls around? After we get back from the farmer's market or grocery store we will spend up to 60 minutes prepping and storing your produce for the week to come, and discussing strategies for using it up while it’s still in it's prime. Includes peeling, slicing, dicing, etc…

Recipe and time management overwhelm  - It's really easy to slip down the Pinterest rabbit hole, pinning loads of recipes that look tasty, easy and healthy - and then feeling completely overwhelmed about what to actually cook. And then there are the multiple trips to the store - sometimes in the same day!  I can help you with this. We will look at the recipes you have accumulated and organize and edit them, choosing a few to try out. Why did they appeal to you? You will learn to use Pinterest and other online recipe resources more efficiently, and do more planning ahead before you hit the store.

Further details can be found here on my website.

You can buy the full package or you can buy the parts that will be the most helpful to you in your present circumstances.

Either way, I guarantee you will walk away feeling inspired and ready to have fun in your kitchen!

Happy Fall!




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